As I have been studying and looking into the various sects who attack Catholics I find many people FAIL TO SEE that behind the heavy propaganda something is always hidden within the ranting sect. It is always some very un-orthodox view of Christianity, or they are just plan heretics. In this case I am even more disgusted because Jesuitinfiltrator and the Firmament are not only attacking Catholics and other Christians, but they want you to believe in an endtime Mayan prophecy that leads the vulnerable away from Jesus Christ. Their anti-Catholic rants have great appeal in influencing many blinded by ignorance. They lead them by the nose straight into believing in the end time prophecy based on a pagan calendar and it's gods - doomsday Dec 23rd 2012. Something Wicked This Way certainly comes as they want people to believe in the Mayan prophecy, but DO NOT tell people what is behind the religion that made this calendar or that it is a system based on many Gods. Take a look at this website that explains the glyphs and the Mayan gods. Click Here: Mayan gods be sure to examine the gylphs and scroll to the bottom of the page to get a good look at the gods. It is a shame that sects who spew such anti-catholic venom can have so much appeal with so many people believing they are some type of authority. Ohhh look they are anti-catholic, they must really know what they are talking about! Wow! Pray for these people as you keep a safe distance.
Jesuitinfiltrator invites viewers to support these channels.
See the side bar shot on each of these views of his channel - as he leads views to support them.
Later I will address each of these videos and zero in on the distortions behind them, but for now, see were Jesuitinfiltrator wants to lead you!

Mayan Calendar is dedicated many Mayan Gods. Each glyph represents some type of God or element. The New Age movement has infiltrated Christianity by using the Mayan Multi God Calendar for prophecy. They are disguising it by tying it to biblical prophecy. But this is no more than an EVIL Doomsday Cult. What else would you call followers of a Calendar with Many Gods and Spirits? Mayanism is a term coined to cover a non-codified eclectic collection of New Age beliefs, influenced in part by Pre-Columbian Maya mythology and some folk beliefs of the modern Maya peoples. The Mesoamerican Long Count calendar forms the basis for a New Age belief, first forecast by José Argüelles, that a cataclysm will take place on or about 21 December 2012.
Jesuitinfiltrator has been on youtube for a year now and he has 705 subscribers, yet it seems no one has called in to question what he believes or what type of things he puts his faith in other than God. It is rather strange that he turns to a Mayanism New Age beliefs for prophecy and yet feels he has the right to judge Christians labeling them as evil, idol worshipers when he believes such an abomination and he invites viewers to support the firmament. It is no wonder he spews such evil malicious lies when you look at the glyphs see what spirits guide him and the firmament cults thinking. Behind every attack on Catholics so far I find that there are hidden evils behind these attacks. And what is the Catholic postion on issues such as the Mayan Calendar that Jesuitinfiltrator and the Firmament believe in and lure people into? Mrs. Bingolly pointed me to this statement from Cathecism: " 2116: All forms of *divination* are to be rejected: recourse to Satan or demons, conjuring up the dead or other practices falsely supposed to 'unveil' the future. Consulting horoscopes, astrology, palm reading, interpretation of omens and lots, the phenomena of clairvoyance and recourse to mediums all conceal a desire for power over time, history, and in the last analysis, other human beings, as well as a wish to conciliate hidden powers. They contradict the honor, respect and loving fear that we owe to God alone." I think that is wise and the biblical answer most good Christian should know.