Please click on any of these screen shots to increase the size to full screen. Images are clear.

The first two screen shots above show what bibleortraditions webpage looked like before he was questioned about his Seventh Day Adventist beliefs. Below are examples of SDA logos.

SDA Logos

The picture below is bibleortradition's current webpage screen shot. Notice on the first screen shot that bibleortraditions uses the same statement. Quote,"The purpose and intent of this online book is truly one fold. It is to counteract the miles of false teachings and propaganda being disseminated by misguided world leaders,"..... Does the statement look familiar? See the shot below.

This is a historical view of bibleortraditions archived thumbnails as the page has changed. It appears they had their webpage in yellow with the adventist logo from 11/05 until 2/08. Why the sudden change to conceal their religious affiliation? Could it be he can attack, but can't defend his unbiblical beliefs, such as no hell, soul sleep, satan bares our sins, Michael the archangel is Jesus Christ, three angels message, remnant church the true mark of God's church is worshiping on the sabbath, or in their case maybe sabbath worship?

Don't blindly following anyone who claims to know Jesus if they can not tell you honestly what their religious beliefs are. I think these screen shots show that he is SDA. Do you know what they teach? There is nothing worse than someone deceiving unsuspecting people who think they are learning biblical information. I think full disclosure of who is teachings you is necessary, but this is a common tactic of the Seventh Day Adventist. They don't tell you what they believe in their literature, but they seem driven to scare people away from or out of other Christian churches. The hook is using video and literature that seems credible to a person who doesn't know the bible well or who may have pre-conceived false ideas about end times. One final note, did you notice on the second screen shot I posted, bibleortradtions gives credit to much of the information to a few people one of them is Richard Bennett who has launched several poisonous attacks against Catholics, yet he is another person who doesn't disclose his own religious beliefs, he is also know as BereanBeacon on the internet and YouTube. Could he be SDA as well?