Jesuitinfiltrator is a major contributor of Anti-Catholic rhetoric on you-tube. He is proud of this and it appears that he has been making the rounds for some time spewing hate and lies. He thinks he is very righteous for doing so, and seems to be proud of his ministry of hate and stupidity. (Making the world more ignorant one protestant at a time.) I bet he's whistling this little light of mine or even Jesus loves me right now as he is uploading his next video. Pray for people like this and that they will see good and that will stop imposing evil onto everything they look at.
It must be awful to see evil into everything that moves. He has a defunct website called and uses this old pic from the site on his youtube channel page. He doesn't see his own evil that he projects off onto the image. He has taken a holy site and defiled it with demonic art work. Demonizing seems to be his specialty and he looks to persuade others not with intelligence but in pictures. He is working on the emotions and fear of people. Anyway here is his depiction of St. Peters Chair and the Shrine of St. Peter (The Baldacchino). He has serpents and evil slithering all over it desecrating a holy place with his mind no doubt.

Having fun with his picture. He does it for the Love of Jesus, I'm sure.

(Click to enlarge)
This is what he's really revealing with his evil projections. He doesn't see the venom or hate and seems to connect this behavior to his beliefs. He seems to think such hate is part of Christianity and his mission. There is nothing Christian about lying and demonizing.

Oh, related - a little more fun with the JesuitInfiltrator and Hitler fables.

For those who would really like to see the details of St. Peter's Basilica and how the Catholic Church has dedicated all this art and beauty to God, Christ and the Saints then click here. There is a stark contrast from what Jesuitinfiltrator depicts. You won't find demons slithering down the columns, those only live in his mind. When you see the actual site, notice every detail is really beautiful and dedicated to God. My wife has a few books from Sister Wendy (link to audio tour) who's speciality is art history and it's enjoyable to read about. EWTN link to St. Peters. See the actual altar of St. Peters.