The actual interview with the head of the Vatican Observatory: Here.... A response to his response: Here :)
What Jesuitinfiltrator had to say was all a distraction, people like that don't want other Christians to discover the odd mixture of beliefs they have or the strange gathering of disinformation they use from conspiracy websites and bigots to reach their conclusions. They then turn around and spit out the same disinformation in mass volume. Pray for these people, I can't decide if people like this have a difficult time with reading comprehension or worse they willing twist the truth for their open agenda to attack the Catholic Church it seems it at anyones expense to spread as much misinformation as possible, it is pitiful.
I also have made a video on fortune tellers and counterfeit eschatology. Video Here I still find it highly unusual that people who are anti catholic hold some very unorthodox views and some very unusual views about the book of revelation.
I also have some interesting insight on the Eucharist. I was looking over the story on, "The Road to Emmaus," and see it in a new light.

You can see the video here.
A youtuber by the id of Meekamackamooka or maybe it was bibleblunders is on the attack as usual not even worth a video response, I was going to do one, but thought they are just another distraction. They can't really defend the unorthodox beliefs of the SDA so I have become the enemy in their eyes for defending the truth and it seems that they want to attack anyone even remotely associated with me. They also make accusations about me and the Catholic church but complaints are all they are with nothing to support their accusations. The latest is that I am suppose to be another youtube identity. I don't know how many people have been accused of being me or how many fake accounts of me have been made. Maybe oneday I will do a fun video on the the blocked sock accounts dedicated to me. The solid proof they say is that we make the same typo's. How many of us haven't seen people make the same typo's or even spelling errors? It's just proof that other people type as bad as I do. :) They also claimed I sent them a video, which is untruthful, they did provide a fishy looking screen shot that are missing some elements that a normal youtube private message would look like. I was looking at them side by side to compare them. The missing features from the screen shot are highlighted in red and some sizing looks fishy of course. You can click on the photo to enlarge if your are interested.
They really need to move on. What they don't' realize is that people can see through their immature distractions and the ugly historical attacks their church has made on other Christan's, they have been taught this way. They have called me a liar and pity the day I meet my maker. It is just incredible what a person has to deal with if they understand the Catholic faith. I can hardly call it persecution, Christians today really don't seem to have a grasp on what true martyrs have had to suffer. There is no way we can compare, except for those who live in countries who are suffering prison and death for being Christian. I will just continue to pray for them. Maybe one day they will quit being angry at me for showing how seriously the Seventh Day Adventist have mislead them, not only their false attacks on others, but because of their false belief that the Sabbath is the seal of God's true church and other strange doctrines they have historically held to cover Ellen White's errors and false prophecy. Pray for all of us.
UPDATE: Aug 1st, 08 - On this childish saga, I am not going to bother dealing with this tripe again. But, I am going to defend myself and move on. Update on bibleblunders insistence that I sent him a video link. First I have no control over the video's someone else makes, either by putting them up or taking them down.
Second what would be the point of sending it to him? Yes, a friend from stickam put up a rather (enthusiastic video in my defense stating he knew me from stickam) but I have no control over the content, nor did I have control over it when he took it down.
Third, just because Bibleblunders is showing on camera what he says it proof the link was sent from me, is that really proof and what does it prove? It proves nothing and it's just childish. Anyone can stop the camera without it appearing so and copy my actual id and paste it into note pad. Anyone can claim to be showing a video to my channel, but again cameras can be paused and content can be spliced and sound or anything visual can be added. Yet bibleblunders has went on a week long campaign in what he thinks proves I sent him a link, he even dedicated a channel page in black and white calling me a liar. Maybe he should take out a full page newspaper ad.
This all started when he made the claim I was new storm rising (another youtube video maker) I also have no control over that persons videos or it's content. I noticed recently that NewStorm states on his channel page that he is freewill baptist and he is very opposed to SDA doctrines, then again any Baptist, Southern or Freewill would be opposed to the SDA teachings. There are plenty of people refuting the SDA and calling them a cult or pointing out their false doctrines that wrongly attack other faiths.
So bibleblunders needs to move on as I stated before. I found it odd that he wanted to make claims that I am someone else, yet he put up a video to the fact that he is rusda2 in which I had blocked that id way back in December 07 from my channel. I am tired of the game playing and as of today there is a bingolly1 troll out there making the rounds again. I have had people copy my entire youtube channel and seen it happen to others, trolls do this to cause problems for people. Thats what they enjoy doing, so trolls enjoy yourself at whomever's expense.